Rodízio de Penas da Ribeira da Azenha

Um moinho de água, ou azenha, é um tipo de mecanismo capaz de aproveitar a energia cinética da movimentação de águas, permitindo moer grãos, irrigar campos de cultivo, drenar terras alagadas e mesmo gerar eletricidade a partir da adaptação de geradores elétricos. Na Ribeira da Azenha chegaram a existir 58 instalações deste tipo.

Havendo vários tipos de moinhos de roda, esta, especificamente designada por rodízio de penas, é um tipo de moinho de roda horizontal que se crê ter sido introduzido em Portugal pelos Romanos. Durante a época medieval, a posse deste tipo de instalações era um privilégio dos senhores feudais, que cobravam pesados impostos a quem os utilizasse.

O rodízio de penas recuperado da Ribeira da Azenha encontra-se dentro de um pequeno edifício em pedra, localizado no percurso pedestre que liga a Vila do Espinhal, à Cascata da Pedra Ferida e à Praia Fluvial da Louçainha. O acesso é gratuito, contudo, para poder visitar este moinho, é necessária a autorização da Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal.

A water mill, or watermill, is a type of mechanism capable of taking advantage of the kinetic energy of water movement, making it possible to grind grains, irrigate crop fields, drain flooded land and even generate electricity through the adaptation of electrical generators. In Ribeira da Azenha there were 58 installations of this type.

There are several types of wheel mills, this one, specifically called rodízio de feathers, is a type of horizontal wheel mill that is believed to have been introduced to Portugal by the Romans. During medieval times, ownership of this type of facility was a privilege of feudal lords, who charged heavy taxes to anyone who used them.

The feathered rodízio recovered from Ribeira da Azenha is located inside a small stone building, located on the pedestrian path that connects Vila do Espinhal, the Cascata da Pedra Ferida and the Praia Fluvial da Louçainha. Access is free, however, to be able to visit this mill, authorization from the Espinhal Parish Council is required.

A water mill, or watermill, is a type of mechanism capable of taking advantage of the kinetic energy of water movement, making it possible to grind grains, irrigate crop fields, drain flooded lands and even generate electricity by adapting electrical generators. In Ribeira da Azenha there were 58 installations of this type.

There are several types of wheel mills, this one, specifically called rodízio de feathers, is a type of horizontal wheel mill that is believed to have been introduced to Portugal by the Romans. During medieval times, ownership of this type of facility was a privilege of feudal lords, who charged heavy taxes to anyone who used them.

The feathered rodízio recovered from Ribeira da Azenha is located inside a small stone building, located on the pedestrian path that connects Vila do Espinhal, the Cascata da Pedra Ferida and the Praia Fluvial da Louçainha. Access is free, however, to be able to visit this mill, authorization from the Espinhal Parish Council is required.

A water mill, or watermill, is a type of mechanism capable of taking advantage of the kinetic energy of water movement, making it possible to grind grains, irrigate crop fields, drain flooded lands and even generate electricity by adapting electrical generators. In Ribeira da Azenha there were 58 installations of this type.

There are several types of wheel mills, this one, specifically called rodízio de feathers, is a type of horizontal wheel mill that is believed to have been introduced to Portugal by the Romans. During medieval times, ownership of this type of facility was a privilege of feudal lords, who charged heavy taxes to anyone who used them.

The feathered rodízio recovered from Ribeira da Azenha is located inside a small stone building, located on the pedestrian path that connects Vila do Espinhal, the Cascata da Pedra Ferida and the Praia Fluvial da Louçainha. Access is free, however, to be able to visit this mill, authorization from the Espinhal Parish Council is required.

Contacto (+351) 239 559 127 (Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal)
Morada Largo da Feira, Espinhal 3230- 998 Penela
Horário A visita ao espaço deve ser requerida à Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal

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